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Connection & Community

Every student at ORCA is an important part of the ORCA community, but sometimes when we are learning from home, it can be difficult to feel that connection. Fortunately, getting involved with a club, group, or activity can be an awesome way to build friendships and explore fun interests. Check out some of the opportunities below to get involved and build your connections to others here at ORCA and beyond!


* Please note that this page is a work in progress and will be updated regularly as more opportunities become available, so keep checking back because even more fun is to come!

Opportunities Beyond ORCA

Participate in Connections Academy virtual clubs with students from around the world! Learn how to sign up for art club, chess club, drama club, and more!


Attend a variety of fun one-time pop-up events with Connections Academy students from across the globe. Check out the calendar!



Join an online community of nature enthusiasts and citizen scientists who photograph and learn about wildlife.

A global platform of writers aged 13 to 18 years old that provides a prompt library, writing competitions, and peer review opportunities. Requires sign up!


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